
Outreach messages

Goals for 2023/2024

Grow the number of teams in AL – Want to establish more FLL teams that will grow into FTC teams
Want to establish more FTC teams that the FLL kids can grow into.
Examples: We have talked to Girls Inc. and Mill Creek elem about starting an FLL team and an FTC so their kids can grow from one to the next.
Want to see AL qualify to advance 2 teams to the world championship and fill both of those slots with AL teams.

What are some of the benefits of being an all girls team?

There aren’t many all girls teams so we draw attention to FIRST and that helps get more kids and parents involved.
We get to make our robot pink 🙂
We hope it shows little girls that they too can do STEM activities

Why are we an all girls team

One of our members (Emily King) was on a team with boys and girls when she was 7. At that age the boys are typically very outgoing and girls are more shy so the boys tended to get to do all the fun robot stuff.
Emily talked with her girl scout leader and she decided to coach and all girls team
Now that we are older we think being an all girls team helps inspire other little girls to speak up, ask to drive, ask to program, do what you love . They can do this as an all girls team or they can do it on any team. Just do it because it’s fun!
Being an all girls team doesn’t mean we only work with girls. At competition most of the time our alliance partners are boys and we like working with them.

What are some of the things we have learned from being on a FIRST Team

Confidence – We can do anything we put our minds to and work hard at. We do a lot of outreach talking to business professionals, parents, and kids
Enthusiasm – we have so much fun doing robotics because we make it fun, we play music, we laugh, we dance. Sometimes that throws our competition off because they mistake our enthusiasm for weakness when it’s really our strength.
Work Ethic – We have team members that are great dancers, runners, and students. All of these things take practice and hard work
Gracious Professionalism – we always give it our best, share our knowledge to help others, and learn from those that are better than us. We love celebrating everyone’s success
Friends – we have made so many friends from other communities, states and countries. We have been exposed to their culture and shared a little of our southern culture.
We have seen schools and teams that are so blessed with resources and mentors and everything they need to excel and we have seen teams that are also successful with so little.

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